Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday, Star of Bethlehem

If you have not already seen it, I encourage you to buy/borrow/rent the short film, The Star of Bethlehem, and watch it as soon as possible.

The research is done by Frederick Larson, a lawyer and amatuer astronomer, but the film was produced by Stephen McEveety (The Passion of the Christ).

For an amatuer, Larson has done his research, and his credits are impressive:
"About 99.9% of the Star of Bethlehem stuff is nutty, but this isn't that. It's well-researched and reasonable."—Ronald A. Schorn, Ph.D.—Schorn founded and served as Chief of the Planetary Astronomy department at NASA and was Technical Editor of Sky & Telescope magazine. He is the author of Planetary Astronomy.

The movie site is:

Larson discusses the signs in the sky, not only announcing Jesus' birth, but also at the time of the cross:

It's very compelling, and as Larson describes it, like "a poem of terrible beauty written in the stars" that testifies to God's plan.

All I can say is watch it for yourself.

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